Unsupervised Learning with Linear Algebra

In this blog post, I implement and experiment with a simple ML approach for image compression.

Sally Liu


April 14, 2023


I completed Part 1 of the blog post: Image Compression with the Singular Value Decomposition

This blog post consists of 4 parts:

  1. Access an RGB image from the internet by its URL, download it, and convert it to greyscale using the workflow shown above.

  2. Write a function called svd_reconstruct that reconstructs an image from its singular value decomposition.

  3. Perform an experiment in which I reconstruct my image with several different values of k.

  4. (Optional)Implement and demonstrate two additional functionalities - compression factor and epsilon threshold - in my svd_reconstruct function.

Implement my SinguarValueDecomposition class:

from source import SingularValueDecomposition
svd = SingularValueDecomposition()

Part 1: Prepare Image

  • I access a RGB image from the internet by its URL, download it, and convert it to greyscale
url = "https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f3/f2/80/f3f280cb151dadf0b2d532ca45cdd92f.jpg"
img = svd.read_image(url)

Here is the look of the original image as well as its grayscale:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (7, 3))

grey_img = svd.to_greyscale(img)

axarr[0].set(title = "original")

axarr[1].imshow(grey_img, cmap = "Greys")
axarr[1].set(title = "grayscale")

Part 2: Implementation of svd_reconstruct

  • I implement my svd_reconstruct function and try to reconstruct my image with k = 30
new_img = svd.svd_reconstruct(img, k = 30)
plt.imshow(new_img, cmap = "Greys")

Here, it can be seen that, when k = 30, the compressed image is not very clear, but is distinguishable.

The different values of k may affect how clear the reconstructed image will be.

Part 3: Experimentation with different values of k

To see how the values of k will affect the clearity of the image, I perform an experiment in which I reconstruct my image with several different values of k:

  • The choice of k goes up until I can’t distinguish the reconstructed image from the original by eye

  • I also determine the amount of storage needed for my reconstruction as a fraction of the amount of storage needed for the original image


When k goes up to 100-150, the reconstructed image cannot be distinguishable from the original from eye.

Amount of storage:

  • The image of m x n size uses k singular values, then we need to store (m x k + n x k + k) numbers.

  • So the fraction of storage for my reconstruction would be (m x k + n x k + k) / (m x n).

Part 4: (Optional) Adding more functionalities

  • I allow the user to specify a desired compression factor and select the number of components k to use based on this selection.

  • I allow the user to specify a desired threshold epsilon for the singular values. Then, only components for which the corresponding singular value is larger than epsilon are used.

  1. Choose different compression factors:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,6, figsize=(21, 8))
curr_fig = 0
gray_img = svd.to_greyscale(img)
m,n = gray_img.shape

for c in [0.001,0.01,0.5,1,10,20]:
    img1 = svd.svd_reconstruct(img, com_factor = c)
    ax[curr_fig].imshow(img1, cmap = "Greys")
    k = (m*n)/(c*(m+n+1))    
    k = round(k)

    ax[curr_fig].set_title("k = "+ str(k)+", com_factor = "+ str(c))

    curr_fig += 1


  • The smaller the compression factor is, the larger the value of k will be.

  • The image will have relatively high clearity when compression factor is less than 1.

  1. Choose different thresholds epsilons:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,6, figsize=(20, 8))
curr_fig = 0
A = svd.to_greyscale(img)
m,n = A.shape

for e in [10,150,500,1000,2500,5000]:
    img2 = svd.svd_reconstruct(img, epsilon = e)
    ax[curr_fig].imshow(img2, cmap = "Greys")

    U, sigma, V = np.linalg.svd(A)
    D = np.zeros_like(A,dtype=float)
    D[:min(A.shape),:min(A.shape)] = np.diag(sigma) 
    k = svd.threshold(e,D)

    ax[curr_fig].set_title("k= "+ str(k)+", epsilon = "+ str(e))

    curr_fig += 1


  • The larger the epsilon threshold is, the less k components will be chosen, so the image will have less clearity.

  • When the epsilon threshold is below 500-1000, the image will have relatively high clearity.